1st Trimester (Baby #2) Questions, Truths, and Tips
What’s up Y’all!
I am so excited to introduce my YOUTUBE PAGE. Be sure to Subscribe to be the first to know when a new video drops! I’ll be sharing mom life, photography, and wedding planning tips, as well as all the fun in between as I navigate this crazy, but amazing life!
My first video is covering ALL things First Trimester…I hope you find this video encouraging, and helpful. Be sure to comment your tips below, or in the comments below the YouTube Video, so we can create a community! Got to help a sista out!
Going through pregnancy the first time was definitely a learning curve, and even more the second time with baby #2. You can read more of my tips below :) xoxo, Brittany
When is Baby #2 Due?
Baby #2 is “due” July 31st….Kai was almost two weeks later, which brings me to one of my first tips. Don’t get ATTACHED to your DUE DATE. Think of it as educated guess. Your baby could come two weeks before, or two weeks after. I wasn’t concerned at all when Kai was later, as long as I was healthy, and she was healthy, and everything checked out good, I knew she would make her appearance, when she was ready :)
When is your 1st Trimester?
Weeks 1-12 (the first 3 months) which is funny, because usually you don’t even realize you’re pregnant until week 4 or 5 depending, or sometimes tests will come back negative if you take one too early on, because there isn’t enough of the hCG hormone.
Doctors will mark your “start” date usually by the first day of your last period.
When do I tell other people?
TOTALLY UP TO YOU!! For us personally, we told very close family “parents, siblings” earlier on, and waited till around 19-20 weeks to share with everyone—-FLOWY shirts will be your best friend if you’re trying to hide a bump;)
After the first trimester certain medical factors go down, miscarriage chance, etc. So we usually wait. That’s a personal decision to make with your spouse :)
MORNING SICKNESS TIPS! Believe me I’ve probably tried it ;)
Y’all! don’t even get me started. When I was first pregnant…I didn’t even know. Now remember EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT…this is just my personal experience. But I unfortunately had pretty extreme ALL DAY sickness with Kai, and baby #2. My nausea lasted for both, up until 20 weeks- so past the 1st trimester. I lost 10-14 lbs with both of them.
The crazy thing is even though you feel awful, and aren’t eating a lot…your baby will still be healthy. So NUTS how God designed this! Because baby #2 was basically thriving off ritz crackers, and ginger ale.
Remedies (be sure to share yours!)
Lemons- biting them
Ginger Ale
Pressure Point Bracelets (didn’t work for me, maybe for you)
Kashi Waffles from Publix
Crackers first thing in the morning
Sour Candy/ Peppermint
Have you had any cravings?
I definitely preferred salty, sour things, over sweet, this time around.
First Doctors Appointment
You’ll probably schedule a doctors appointment with an OB/GYN around 6-8 weeks. Now remember, the first person you go to…you don’t have to stay with.
You want to find a doctor that SUPPORTS YOU, and YOUR BIRTH for your baby. ASK THEM QUESTIONS :)
SUMMARY: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY :) Sleep when you can, if your body is tired, or rest when you can. The First Trimester is an exciting time, but also can be a nervous time for others, especially if you’ve experienced lost. Your body is going through so many changes. Enjoy all the moments! You’ll be an amazing mama! Be sure to drop any other questions you have below :)
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